Welcome to Gig Harbor!!!
Reciprocal moorage is located at
Peninsula Yacht Basin at the head of Gig Harbor bay.
8913 N. Harborview Drive, Gig Harbor, WA 98332
(253) 858-2250 | dockmaster@peninsulayachtbasin.com
View Gig Harbor Yacht Club Reciprocal Dock in a larger map
* There is 80' of linear space available & a 48 hour limit.
* Rafting is allowed.
* Please register at dock & post registration card on dock side window of boat. Arrangements for longer stays can be made through the marina owner, at his going rate and upon slip availability.
DAILY RATE: .........$5.OO per day for power (subject to change).
This is a private moorage only available to members of reciprocal yacht clubs.
There are signs clearly indicating the section of dock reserved. Reciprocal moorage is on a first come first serve basis and a spot is not guaranteed.
Toilets and showers on sight. Restaurants, grocery store, laundry are within one block
Visiting yacht clubs must have reciprocal privileges and boats MUST fly their burgee!